Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

US $1,790

Item ID:4803323

Size:6.8"x4.5"x5.6" (173x115x142 mm)



Forever Beautiful is a lovely, finely preserved ammonite fossil from Madagascar. It stands in relief from the now stony sea floor matrix that has been carved into a finely detailed skull sculpture. This ancient sea dwelling ammonite is in wonderful condition and displays an awesome kaleidoscope of colors as light is refracted through the crystallized layers of the shell. This large sized ammonite fossil species is extremely slender in width as compared to most ammonites, making Forever Beautiful even more fascinating to study and experience.

Forever Beautiful shares the ideals of recognizing, accepting, and embracing one’s inner beauty and individual uniqueness. This magnificent and stunningly colorful ammonite fossil crystal skull encourages us to freely and openly express our divine inner self. While this may not be something that is easily done at first, Forever Beautiful is presented to inspire us to relinquish the need to diminish or abase ourselves due to feelings of inadequacy and unimportance, and to instead come to understand our inner beauty is at its best when shared with the world. All that is needed is one small example to instigate the process. One good thing that makes each of us special, often easily identified by compliments we receive from those around us, can be accepted and agreed with. This process then becomes the template for eventually being able to accept all aspects of ourselves, as we are, without a need to change anything or feeling compelled to seek the approval of others. Forever Beautiful is what we are.

In order to create jobs in the country, Madagascar export law requires that all ammonite fossils from Madagascar be polished or altered in some way. Fortunately ammonites are much more lovely after this process. This polished ammonite fossil features a wonderful example of ammolite, one of the very few organically created gemstones.

More closely related to octopi, cuttlefish, and squid than the modern chambered nautilus, ammonites enjoyed a lengthy 175 million year existence in prehistoric oceans, with many genus and species rapidly evolving and disappearing during that time. Ammonites descended from the bacrites straight shelled cephalopods that lived around 415 million years in the past. The ammonites first arrive in the fossil record at a point of about 240 million years ago, surviving several extinction events. They continued until coming to their final extinction in company with the dinosaurs at 65 million years ago. The ammonite species fossils from the Upper Jurassic period deposits of Madagascar lived between 145 and 179 million years ago. It is believed that the majority of ammonite species inhabited the shallow, warm and temperate waters along the inner part of the continental shelves in around the world.

Having been discovered numerable times throughout recorded history, often by asking very simple and unrelated questions, the Golden Ratio, or Fibonacci Sequence, the consistently repeated pattern of nature growing and evolving, is represented here in this ancient fossil. This Golden Ratio is considered one of the forms of Sacred Geometry which reflects the universe, its pure forms, and the dynamic relationship we share with nature - the inseparable relationship of the part to the whole. By studying the Sacred Geometry of one thing we find meaning and structural insight into the workings of the inner self and other processes of the universe. Incredibly this spiral growth pattern occurs over and over in the universe around us, from the molecular structure of our DNA, to most plants, including cauliflower, cacti and succulents, daisies and sunflowers, many, many trees, pinecones and pineapples, shells of many invertebrates, and so on all the way out to the astronomical scale of the Milky Way and other distant galaxies! The ammonite is considered to directly connect one to the Golden Mean Spiral energies to promote personal growth, self-awareness, and the evolutionary consciousness of the Earth and the higher consciousness we all share.

Metaphysically, ammonites are employed for gaining insight of where to begin a process, and to maintain sight of the whole picture while focusing on the individual steps of that process. They are used for protection, structure, and stability, and to transform negativity into a gentle, fluent energy. Ammonites are also used to assist one with relaxation and to provide support and minimize depression that can be associated with the re-birthing process. In Feng Shui, ammonites symbolize longevity, harmony, and virtue and are used for prosperity, improved flow of chi, detoxifying the body, and are used to bring about good health, happiness, and wisdom. Physically ammonites have been used to ease the birthing process, and for treatment of issues with the extremities of the body and the lungs.

In north Indian legends, ammolite absorbs the essence of the universe and has a curing and regulating effect on the body. In Feng Shui, ammonite and ammolite symbolize longevity, harmony, and virtue and are used for prosperity, improved flow of chi, detoxifying the body, and are used to bring about good health, happiness, and wisdom. Ammolite increases the energies and effectiveness of Feng Shui. Ammolite can be used for heightening spiritual awareness and connecting to, and communicating with, the shared energy and consciousness of the Earth and is considered one of the best crystals to work with for the assisting with the current Earth changes and consciousness shifting we are experiencing. Ammolite transforms negative energy into healing energy, and enhances meditation, encourages a positive outlook, and helps to alleviate stress and suffering. Ammolite is one of the few gems of organic origin, and it is worn as talismans, amulets, and other forms of jewelry to promote abundance and bring one good luck.

Ammolite is used to activate dormant DNA to move one forward to the state of perfect health of the physical and etheric bodies. It is also used for craniosacral therapy. It helps to reduce stress and tension, and in Feng Shui it is used to detoxify the body and improve energy flow to bring about overall wellbeing.

Fossils, in the distant past, were believed to be seeds from the stars that were grown in the earth and as such, are considered to enhance telepathic communication with worlds of the past and with other worlds today. Fossils are used to enhance and intensify achievements in business and to diffuse quality and purity into an environment. Fossils can assist in letting go of habits and undesirable thought processes, and to be aware and considerate of new options and energies that are available.

Fossils are used for the treatment of conditions of the thymus, bones and skeletal system, issues of the hands and feet, and dis-ease involving atrophia. Fossils assists one to remain grounded, bringing balance, stability, and vitality and endurance. They assists in calming the mind, allowing the body to release stress so one may experience peace and comfort.

Shells provide a connection to the water element and the moon, and so to the emotions. Shells enhance intuition and sensitivity providing mental clarity and insight to assist with decision making. Shells possess a pliant and easy healing energy that gradually increases in intensity to become quite powerful and effective. This characteristic is effective not only for healing, but also for conveying messages within one's self, between people and in groups, and with the spiritual planes. Shells are wonderful tools for manifestation and transformation. They can provide one with the ability to adapt to changes and increase one's spiritual power to bring happiness, prosperity, and fulfillment, and allow for the expression of one's imagination and creativity. Shells are naturally inclined to provide protection for the home, travelers, small children and pets, for the emotions, and from uncooperative attitudes and actions of the self and others. Shells can be used to enhance energies and to assist one in meditation, decision making, and in exploring alternate realms of existence. Shells encourage cooperation and cohesion for groups, for individuals, and for the self.

Shell can be used for skeletal issues, broken bones, proper utilization of calcium and vitamins A and D, and bringing optimal health to the spinal canal, brain, and the blood, lymphatic, immune, and nervous systems.

NOTE: Skullis does not prescribe treatment for medical issues. Skullis offers information for reference to assist with the selection and understanding of crystal skulls, including this ammonite with ammolite crystal skull sculpture.

Ammonite AmmoniteAmmonite

ORIGINMadagascar HARDNESS7 NATURAL100% natural
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  1. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  2. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  3. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  4. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  5. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  6. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  7. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  8. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  9. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  10. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  11. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  12. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  13. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  14. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  15. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  16. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  17. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  18. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  19. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

  20. Sept 12, 2014 ACSAD (A Crystal Skull a Day) - Forever Beautiful - Ammonite with Ammolite Carved Crystal Skull Sculpture

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